Our Members

 We are launching the membership for our colleagues who aim to support the journal ‘Access to Justice in Eastern Europe’! 

The East European Law Research Center is an independent and voluntary society that brings together people who are interested in legal research. Since now we are announcing the membership aimed to financially support AJEE. 
Contribute to the academic publishing and spreading legal studies over topical legal issues that Eastern Europe and the world face today. Interested people are free to choose the individual or the institutional membership, according to which they could be actively engaged in the Journal funding and support. We are particularly welcome to donations, ongoing or once per year. Among benefits of the membership are collaborative input and a genuine opportunity to have a stake in an academic legal publishing.
Beyond improving the mutual understanding of academic integrity and supporting science publishing in Eastern Europe, the membership facilitates collaborative working and the interplay of its members on a  world wide level.


Yurii Prytyka

EELRC Head, Dr.Sc. (Law), professor at the Law Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

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Iryna Izarova

EELRC Vice-Head. Dr.Sc. (Law), professor at the Law Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

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